Lisa Eberhart, RD, LDN

Lisa Eberhart, RD, LDN – Director of Nutrition Services
Lisa Eberhart is a Registered Dietitian and Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist and has pioneered effective methods to evaluate menus from virtually every type of food service operation. Lisa heads up the nutrition services for Menu Analytics, gathering information on your recipe items, and conducting a complete nutrition analysis. She has more than twenty years experience in nutrition analysis.
Lisa is a former Chair of the Licensing Board of the North Carolina Board of Dietetics & Nutrition. Lisa received the Outstanding Dietitian of the Year Award by the North Carolina Dietetic Association in 2014. Lisa was awarded the 2012 North Carolina Governor’s Award for Excellence, the highest honor for a state employee.
Before retiring from her position in November of 2019 as Director of Nutritional Wellness Services at North Carolina State University, Lisa led efforts that allowed the university to achieve recognition as Top 15 Healthiest College by Food Service Director magazine, the #4 gluten-friendly college in the nation, and made NC State the first university in the nation to achieve the goals of the Partnership for a Healthier America Healthy College Initiative.
Lisa has served in the National Association of College and University Food Services (NACUFS), including roles as National Conference Education Co-Chair, Regional Conference Education Chair, National Nutrition Committee Chair, Regional Nutrition Committee Chair, and speaker.
Randy Lait, CASP

Randy Lait, CASP – Director of Business Operations
Randy is a Certified Auxiliary Services Professional, with training and experience in collegiate auxiliary operations.
Randy handles the business side of Menu Analytics, compiling the nutrition data into the final report format, developing electronic data exports, and providing customer services.
Before retiring after 36 years of service as the Senior Director of Hospitality Services at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC State University Dining was recognized for innovation and excellence, including the 2019 IFMA Silver Plate as Operator of the Year in the college and university sector and 2015 College Innovator of the Year by Food Management Magazine. Under his leadership, NC State Dining grew to $48 million in annual revenues.
Randy has been active in the National Association of College and University Food Services (NACUFS), serving in a variety of roles over his career, including Regional President, Regional Conference Chair, member of the NACUFS Board of Directors, and as National Conference Chair. He is the 2022 recipient of the David R. Prentkowski Distinguished Lifetime Member award in recognition for his service to the collegiate dining services industry.